The dramatic increase in life expectancy has changed the shape of British society.
In 1856 average life expectancy was 40 years. Today it’s 84.4 years for women and 81.6 years for men and there are now more people over retirement age than children under sixteen. These extra years of life are undoubtedly going to put pressure on the supply of suitable social housing and the provision of disabled adaptions that will no doubt be required.
One major adjustment that needs to be planned for will be the increase in years of life spent with health problems and disability. The need for health and social care services is increasingly concentrated in older age, particularly for the over 80’s, where the largest relative growth in population size is set to take place over the next twenty years. The desire of many of older and disabled people is to live independently in their own homes if possible and can get out and about in their local area. It’s a sentiment that many local housing authorities and local councils are heeding to the hilt. Being to able to adapt the existing housing provision is one way enable this. It’s a policy direction that international flooring and interiors specialist Gerflor are perfectly placed to assist with.
When Brent Council in Greater London sought to fit out an extra care home facility in the Wembley area with suitable flooring for several disabled adaptions they wanted to ensure that the safety and comfort of the care home residents would be top of the bill in the specification criteria.
Making sure that the council got value for money and the right products would be a challenge which was entrusted to Chelmsford based flooring contractor, Chelmer Group Ltd. The overall project would need would some 400m2 of new flooring throughout en-suites, shower rooms & assisted bathrooms. Safety would be paramount in deciding which product to specify as the requirement would be for both wet and dry areas.
The Chelmer Group Ltd opted for Gerflor’s Tarasafe™ Ultra H²O vinyl safety flooring.
The ultimate choice for wet and dry environments, barefoot and shod applications, Tarasafe™ Ultra H²O is an ideal solution for shower and changing rooms, together with any high-level risk wet areas where heavy duty slip resistant flooring is needed.
Carl Harper, Senior Contracts Manager from Chelmer Group Ltd commented, “We value engineered the project for Brent Council and immediately specified Tarasafe™ Ultra H²O from Gerflor’’.
This would be no surprise as Tarasafe™ Ultra H²O is a popular choice in the social housing markets where the specifier is seeking to provide the very best solution for any disabled adaptions they may be considering.
Carl Harper went on to further comment, “We have used Gerflor products for at least the last ten years and have always been delighted with their performance.’’. He also added, “Gerflor produce a great range of products that are really well designed, stunning to look at, ideal for disabled adaptions and very easy to work with. As a contractor, that’s hugely important’’.
Tarasafe™ Ultra H²O scores the best possible safety rating in the wet barefoot ramp test (DIN 51097) and wet shod test (DIN 51130). It’s designed with a raised emboss, and is available in eight stunning colours, which complements Tarasafe™ Ultra’s most popular colourways. By being 100 per cent recyclable it also meets all industry environmental standards. It’s easier to handle and is lighter weight meaning fitters have up to five times more blade life than before. Hot welding is also made simple for a water impervious finish. Naturally, Tarasafe™ Ultra H²O meets the highest safety standards as well as registering a Grade C in the barefoot ramp test.
Tarasafe™ slip resistant vinyl sheet flooring is deeply inlaid with mineral crystal particles, plus coloured chips, and reinforced with a glass fibre grid to make it durable and hard-wearing, as well as being R11 slip resistant. Designed for heavy use, Tarasafe™ Ultra H²O carries a 12-year warranty.
Carl Harper finally commented, “Specifying Tarasafe™ Ultra H²O for this project was an obvious choice. The pricing was just right and the availability was swift. Value for money is always a concern on these projects and Gerflor as usual stepped up to the mark’’.
Learn more about Gerflor solutions; ask for a free sample or contact us to speak to a specialist today by calling 01926 622 600, emailing contractuk@gerflor.com, or visit gerflor.co.uk for the latest innovations.